2024 Strike A Chord Prizes


First Prize - The Robert Salzer Prize $5,000 

Second Prize - The Paul Morawetz Prize $4,000 

Third Prize - $2,500 

Encouragement Award - $1,500. Awarded to a finalist group that doesn’t receive a major cash prize but displays outstanding potential through qualities such as enthusiasm, conviction, musicality, stage presence, and interpretation. 

Monash Chamber Music Prize - For an ensemble that the adjudicators believe would most benefit from a week-long coaching residency at the Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music and Performance, Monash University (dates to be discussed and agreed upon with all parties). 

  • Travel & accommodation for four participants and one accompanying adult; 
  • Coaching staff and program; 
  • Rehearsal room; 
  • Closed performance opportunity at end of week  

The MacLeod Finalist Awards – For 4th-12th place groups. $500 cash. 



Australian Music Prize - Awarded for the best performance of an Australian work, which may include student compositions. $2,000 cash. 

Flinders Quartet Mentorship Prize - A 12-month mentorship with the Flinders Quartet,awarded by the Jury in consultation with Flinders Quartet to a string quartet that shows commitment and potential to take their ensemble to the next level. Note: If there is no suitable string quartet, other ensemble combinations will be considered.  

The prize includes 10 mentorship sessions with Flinders Quartet members; 2 sessions on group development, career planning and concert presentation; performance in a Flinders Quartet subscription concert, including travel to and accommodation in Melbourne if required; and the opportunity to observe the Flinders Quartet in rehearsal throughout the year. Mentoring/rehearsal sessions will take place remotely via online platform where necessary. 

Firebird Trio Mentorship Prize - Awarded to a group of any instrumentation (must include piano) that shows commitment and potential to take their ensemble to the next level.

The prize includes up to 8 hours of coaching (in person or online) over a 12 month period, and a collaborative performance with Firebird Trio if circumstances allow. Travel to Melbourne may be subsidised where required.

3MBS Prize - Awarded by the Jury to the top two (2) groups from Victoria. 

A live-to-air performance on 3MBS for the winning ensembles in one of their concert programs at a date suitable for both parties, including streaming + interview + social media. Ensembles will also receive a copy of their performance recording. 



AMEB Emerging Ensemble Encouragement Award - 6 x Manhasset Symphony music stands and $500 cash (total prize value $1,150); or $1000 cash. For a group that shows a need for additional resources, and does not progress to the Grand Final round.  

Innovation Award - For the ensemble who throws the most interesting light on what chamber music can be – an award for enthusiasm and imagination, in personnel, repertoire or presentation. $500 cash. 

The Spirit of Chamber Music Prize - Generously provided by Elizabeth Sellars, in memory of John and Lesley Sellars. For a group who the jury feels in some way touches upon the essential character and/or spirituality of a work, and does not progress to the Grand Final. $200 cash. 


At the discretion of the Artistic Director, one or more prizes may be awarded in each of the following categories, to groups that do not progress to the Grand Final. Each prize $200 cash:  

  • Woodwind - groups that include at least 50% woodwind instruments 
  • Brass - groups that include at least 50% brass instruments 
  • Percussion - groups that include at least 50% percussion instruments 
  • String - groups that include at least 50% string instruments (sponsored by the Australian Strings Association) 
  • Vocal - groups that include at least one vocalist 
  • Keyboard - groups that include at least one keyboard instrument  
  • Junior - groups in which all players are in school grade 9 or under 
  • Mixed Ensemble – groups not eligible for any other instrumental category 
  • World Instruments – groups that include at least one non-western instrument 


First Prize - $400 

Second Prize - $250 

Third Prize - $150 

Highly Commended - certificate 

2024 Strike A Chord Prize Winners

Our First Round prize winners have been announced.